UX designer, strategist, researcher,
visual designer, front-end
developer, and accessibility


Ego has no place in the design process. Fail quickly to succeed quickly.
Negative feedback is a gift. Universal design is ethical design.
Designers are toolmakers.
Meet people where they are. Be a facilitator.
Define the problem. Play. There's always more than one solution.
Empathy is the key to resonance. You are not your user.

hard skills

stakeholder workshops design thinking exercises
accessibility audits heuristic evaluations
analytics audits surveys and focus groups
moderated user testing unmoderated user testing
card-sorting navigation tree testing

writing and more


Generates Voronoi cell networks as vector shape layers within Figma
from a seed frame populated with ellipses marking initial node points.


Creates an organically random distribution of one or more Figma elements
tightly packed to fill a frame based on a Poisson algorithm. Optionally will
randomly rotate each instance.